Easy GF S’Mores Brownies

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Classic s’more flavors in an easy GF brownie!

Simply use your favorite GF brownie mix, and add @scharglutenfree Graham crackers and marshmallow bits.

GF S’Mores Brownies

1 box GF brownies (I like @traderjoes), mixed according to instructions
½ cup GF Graham crackers, crumbled into ¼-½” pieces
½ cup mini-marshmallows (or ¼ full-size ones)

Preheat the oven according to package instructions.

Mix all ingredients until well combined.  

Grease a 9x9 baking dish and add the batter.  Bake according to package instructions, but know you may need to add a few minutes due to the mix-ins.  Test for doneness with a toothpick, it should come out without batter when the brownies are baked!

Makes 16 brownies.


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