Golden Elixir (Homemade Cold Remedy)

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I am not a doctor

…but let’s make sure you are one step ahead of the cold and flu germs with this homemade cold remedy.

This Golden Elixir is a combination of natural remedies that work for coughs, sore throats, and when you feel a little “off.” 

Ingredients like ginger, mint, orange juice, apple cider vinegar, and more combine for a natural remedy.

All of the ingredients in this concoction boost naturally derived power–but again, *not* a doctor, with no medical training.

Golden Elixir

4 bags of tea (use a combination of ginger/turmeric and mint tea, or just one type)
2 cups hot water
1 tablespoon honey (manuka honey if you have it)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (with the mother, preferably)
Juice of one large orange
1 heaping tablespoon freshly grated ginger
Juice of one lemon

In a large ball jar or pyrex, add the hot water and tea bags.  Let steep 5 minutes.  Remove the tea bags and add the honey, stirring to dissolve.

Add the remaining ingredients, and stir well.  Transfer to an airtight jar.  Lasts about 1 week in the fridge.

Drink about ¼ cup either warm or cold a couple of times daily to boost immunity.


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